Releasing Your Life Transforming Purpose

Find Your Place

Make a Difference

Make a Living

Leave a Legacy

Every person on earth has something unique and substantial to offer. Deep within us are embedded gifts, talents, and unspoken dreams yearning to be expressed. Do you know that your purpose holds solutions to the current problems we face in the world today? Perhaps you may not have considered it this way before, but it’s true. If you make time to observe the lives of the many people you know who have realized their dreams, you’ll observe one thing: they are constantly solving problems.

  • Netflix solved on-demand streaming media
  • Google made the search better and faster.
  • Amazon simplifies online buying and selling

What you have is valuable, but the world wouldn’t know that until you decided to serve humanity by maximizing your potential. How would you feel seeing your dreams touching lives, solving problems, and adding value to society? This thought-provoking program is designed to transform your desired purpose into reality.

Who’s it for?

  • You’re not sure of your callings
  • You’re at the crossroads of your life
  • You want to make a difference
  • You’re starting your dream business
  • You want to make a living doing what you love
  • You feel stuck and unsatisfied in life and career
  • You need clarity on finding your purpose
  • You recently resigned or retired from work. “What’s next?”
  • You know your purpose but are not sure where to start
  • You’re starting an NGO to contribute to your community
  • You’re searching for a career that aligns with your purpose

What you’ll learn

  • Steps to finding your purpose and starting to leave a legacy that inspires others
  • Explore how to use your purpose to solve today’s problems and make a difference
  • Powerful keys to accomplish your purpose and experience a fulfilled life
  • Discuss limiting beliefs that are holding you back from reaching your potential
  • Find a career that fulfills your purpose and creates the life of your dreams
  • Craft your unique purpose statement and launch your life-transforming purpose
  • Discover how to become a person of value and gain financial rewards by chasing your dream
  • Learn how to align your purpose with your values and vision and set actionable goals to achieve it.

What you get

  • Access to tools to help you start and achieve your dreams faster
  • How to assemble the right teams to take your dream to the next level.
  • Roadmap to establish your online presence and go-to market strategy.
  • Develop a business model around your purpose to increase value creation.
  • Practical tools for creating products or services that meet the needs of your target audience.
  • Automatically join our private community, where you can share your progress, discuss your challenges, and receive mentorship support

How does it work?

  • In-person session (1-day program, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.)
  • Online session (1-week program, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Mon, Wed and Fri)
  • Each module comes with an interactive presentation, exercise, assignment, and email follow-up to answer participants questions.
  • Are you ready to find your purpose and experience a fulfilled life?

Program Fee

  • Online N51,000($51) 
  • In-person N67,000($67)