7 Business Drivers

Using 7 Business Drivers to Grow and Scale

In today’s highly competitive business world, to build successful businesses, achieve sustainable growth, deliver value that exceeds customers expectations, and become a brand choice in the marketplace, every organization should constantly assess their performance, either monthly, quarterly, every six months, or yearly.

How is the state of your company? Is cash flow positive? Are you uncertain about how well your business is performing? Do you need tools to evaluate all aspects of your business function to determine why certain areas aren’t working, learn new ways of increasing team productivity, improve cash flow, and achieve greater success? Then 7 Business Drivers is for you.

What Will You Get Using 7 Business Drivers?Each of the below business drivers plays a major role in achieving overall organizational success:

1. Refine Your Flight Plan

Analyze your company’s performance and close the gaps between where it is now, where you want it to be, and how to get there.

2. Elevate Management Capability

Assess your management capability and build great teams that get things done promptly, profitably, and successfully.

3. Winning Products or Services

Learn ways to improve your existing products or create new products that customers want and are willing to pay for.

4. Amplify Sales and Marketing

Gain access to effective marketing and sales strategies to increase revenue generation in your company.

5. Turn Customers into Raving Fan

Discover how to reengage your dormant customers, retain loyal customers, increase repeat business, and get more referrals.

6. Achieve Financial Mastery

Gain practical insights on increasing business revenue, improving cash flow, and achieving financial goals.

7. Workplace Support System

Learn how to align strategy, people, and operations to achieve overall organizational success.

The Business of the CEO

Learn the strategies and leadership styles used by high-performing CEOs to create consistent results in any economy.

How Can 7 Business Drivers Help You Achieve Business Goals?

  • A customized group or roundtable discussion centered on driving business improvements, growth, and profitability
  • Gain access to world-class business resources used by multinational corporations to take your company to the next level.
  • Recognize the stage of your business, quickly assess which areas require improvement, and determine what type of investment will yield a profit.
  • Learn how to maximize your leadership capacity to execute your strategy and make your business thrive.
  • Discover how to identify business opportunities in your industry and respond smartly by creating solutions that customers want and need.
  • Make more informed decisions about future actions and steps to take to achieve overall organizational success.

How Does it Work?Business Health Assessment

Standard Plan
N50,000 ($50)
Per manager or CEO
  • BHA is customizable for every industry
  • 1 assessment, 7 business drivers, and 30 questions
  • Your team of managers takes the assessment
  • We review and analyze the assessment report
  • Examine the business drivers you currently have
  • Highlight areas of weakness and strength
  • Recognize growth opportunities based on the findings
  • Discuss training needs for your managers
  • Receive actionable plans to improve your business
  • Make decisions that lead to organizational success
Most popular
Premium Plan
N100,000 ($100)
Per manager or CEO

Everything on the Standard Plan is included

  • Have a session with your management team
  • Receive the business tools managers need to thrive
  • Design three-month-achievable goals for your organization
  • A monthly follow-up for three months after implementation
  • Review the performance and make the necessary changes
  • Suggest action plans to achieve the desired results faster
Deluxe Plan
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Suitable for all managers

Everything on the Standard and Premium Plans is included

  • Identify the training and development needs of your managers and departmental heads
  • Every organization is unique, which is why we design customized training that aligns with your business goals and processes in order to achieve the desired results you need.